About us

vlaggen-nl-roDutch Romanian Network (DRN) is a business platform for Dutch entrepreneurs who maintain business contacts in Romania. Vice versa we offer our platform also to Romanian entrepreneurs with a business interest in the Netherlands.Over the past years Romania has made a rapid social and economic development and great reforms. With the accession to the EU, this process is completed. As a result, there were no obstacles for entrepreneurs to fully exploit the opportunities in Romania. This increased the need for insight and information on the Romanian market.

In 2007, therefore, the Dutch Romanian Network was established. Since then, the membership has grown and our network events are visited with great interest. Not surprising, because these are the moments for you to meet your future customers and business partners and strengthen your knowledge of the market.

What does DRN
International operating companies often find that operating individually often leads to fragmentation, higher costs and loss of competitiveness. Therefore English Romanian Network (DRN) offers entrepreneurs a platform for partnerships with a cross-sectoral nature. These partnerships seem of crucial importance during the current economic crisis. Also with governments, where an individual entrepreneur barely stands a chance, we use our network to make the first contact and help to start the dialogue.


Dutch Romanian Network (DRN) is a non-profit business network, consisting of unremunerated board members. We provide our services for members therefore free of charge. For business owners who occasionally need our expertise, we ask a modest fee.