Page 16 - Elderly care and housing demand in the EU
P. 16

Overall ranking: Potential demand for elderly care and housing

       3.1 The Netherlands and Spain top the overall ranking

       The overall ranking is based on the sum of the    1. The Netherlands: Fast-growing, financially    2. Spain: Large elderly population with high
       rankings of all countries. It displays the differences in   sound seniors who are keen on senior housing  care and senior housing potential
       potential demand for care and housing for the elderly   The Netherlands comes first in two rankings: wealth   Spain is the runner-up. It’s the only country that scores
       between the selected countries.                   potential and senior housing potential. The sixth place   high on size, growth as well as proportion of the elderly
                                                         on demographic potential is the lowest outcome for the   population. A relatively low level of government
                                                         Netherlands. What they lack in size, they make up for   expenditure on care, home support and housing goes
                                                         by having the fastest growing 75+ population until   hand in hand with a high potential demand for home
                                                         2050. Combined with third place on financial potential   support and senior housing. And, last but not least,
                                                         and first place on the demographic and senior housing   Spanish elderly people have considerable financial
                                                         potential, this is sufficient to put the other countries at a   resources with which to meet their needs.
                                                                                                          3. Belgium: Wealthy seniors who highly value
                                                                                                          care, home support and senior housing
         Highest overall potential in the Netherlands. Spain, Belgium and Italy close behind
         Overview of the country rankings and overall score                                               Belgium is a small country with high potential. Care,
                                                                                                          home support and senior housing are very important
                                              Financial            Consumption                            for Belgian seniors. They are in the top 3 of these
                                                                                                          rankings. Furthermore, Belgian demographic growth is
                           Demographic   Income      Wealth     Care and    Senior    Overall score *
                             potential   potential  potential  home support  housing                      above EU average and the wealth of elderly people is at
                                                                potential  potential                      a very high level.
           1. Netherlands       6          3           1          5           1           16
           2. Spain             1          8           5          4           2           20              4. Italy: A high proportion of elderly people
           3. Belgium          11          6           2          1           3           23              and big interest in care and home support
           4. Italy             2          7           6          3           6           24              In 2050, Italy is projected to have the highest number of
           5. Austria           7          1           8          5           6           27
           5. France            4          2           3          8           10          27              elderly people as a percentage of total population of
           5. Germany           3          4           7          8           5           27              the eleven countries. The country also has a high rank
           8. United Kingdom    8          5           4          11          4           32              on potential demand for elderly care and home support
           9. Poland            4          10         10          7           9           40              and relatively many Italian seniors are receptive to
          10. Romania           8          11         11          2           11          43              premium-quality senior housing.
          11. Czech Republic   10          9           9          10          8           46

        * The overall ranking is the sum of the five rankings
        ING Economics Department                                              16                                 Elderly care and housing demand in the EU – May 2019
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