Page 7 - Aanbevelingen om de integriteit
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parties to join a government coalition. This process is led by a formateur (normally the leader of the
               largest  party).  The  formation  process  comprises  the  government  programme/policies,  the
               composition of the cabinet and the division of ministerial portfolios.

               21.    The GET was informed that prior to the appointment of ministers and state secretaries, the
               formateur  interviews  the  cabinet  candidates  who,  by  putting  themselves  forward  as  candidates,
               agree to a procedure during which checks concerning criminal records (convictions), tax and customs
               records and intelligence and security records are checked. The results of the vetting exercises are
               shared and discussed with the candidates who, in addition, are responsible for raising all relevant
               facts and circumstances, including relevant private interests at their own initiative. The minutes of
               these meetings and the private interest declarations remain confidential.

               22.    If successful, the formateur will present a list of ministers and state secretaries to form the
               cabinet, who are then to be formally appointed. They are obliged to swear an oath of loyalty to the
               King,  the  Charter  and  the  Constitution.  However,  this  process  cannot  take  place  without
               parliamentary support and the cabinet and its members can only remain in power as long as they
               enjoy confidence by Parliament and the PM. The current government includes 24 ministers and state
               secretaries (14 male and 10 female), which provides a balanced participation of men and women in
               line  with  the  Committee of Ministers’  Recommendation  Rec  (2003)3 on  balanced  participation  of
               women and men in political and public decision making.

               23.    According to the Constitution (Article 45), the Council of Ministers considers and decides the
               general  government  policy  and  ensures  its  coherence.  The  Prime  Minister  chairs  the  Council  of
               Ministers  and  has  the  final  responsibility  for  the  general  government  policy.  However,  the
               government is a collective body and considerable importance is attached to good coordination and
               collegiality, in order to reach consensus and to ensure the unity of government policy (one voice
               position) . While ministers remain largely responsible for their own policy fields, they are involved in
               the decisions made on all issues raised.

               24.    Each ministry is headed by a minister who has political responsibility over public bodies and
               persons under their competencies. Overall, they enjoy discretionary powers and authority over such
               bodies or persons, except for certain independent institutions, such as the National Electoral Council
               and the Whistleblowers Authority.  Moreover there are officers who possess independent powers
               pursuant to an Act of Parliament, like tax inspectors and members of the Prosecution Service. They
               have powers to impose taxes and are empowered to prosecute without interference of the Minister.
               However, these civil servants are still under the authority and responsibility of the Minister. Ministers
               without  portfolio  are  also  members  of  the  government;  however,  they  do not  direct  a  particular
               ministry. Both types of ministers can have their own budget chapters. Ministers are independently
               accountable to Parliament and may be dismissed by Parliament.

               25.    State  secretaries  are  also  cabinet  members  and  bear  political  responsibility  for  the  policy
               field entrusted to them by the pertinent minister. The division of responsibilities between ministers
               and state secretaries is usually determined during the formation of a cabinet and is then recorded in
               a description of tasks. A state secretary can replace his/her minister in the cabinet, without the right
               to vote. A state secretary also attends cabinet meetings if the agenda includes a topic for which s/he
               is  responsible.  State  secretaries  are  accountable  to  Parliament  independently.  Parliament  may
               dismiss a state secretary, while the Minister can remain in office. Contrary to that, if Parliament loses
               confidence  in  a  minister,  the  state  secretary  makes  his/her  portfolio  available.  However,  the
               replacing minister may then ask him/her to accept the same portfolio again.

               11   This  unity  of  government  policy  is  an  important  principle  of  the  Dutch  system  of  government.  Ministers  and  State
               Secretaries must speak with one voice. If a Minister or State Secretary has serious objections to one or more elements of
               government policy and is not willing to conform to it only the option of voluntary resignation remains.
               12  In recent years the Framework Act on Independent Administrative Bodies laid down general rules for these institutions.

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