Page 5 - KPMG Tax in Romania
P. 5

Romanian tax and social security aspects valid in 2015/2016 (1)

                 • If the person obtains residence certificate from the Netherland authorities:

Dutch nationals   The Dutch national is considered Romanian tax non-resident,
arriving in
Romania           Romanian income tax is due only on Romanian source income (e.g. Remuneration for assignment in
                      Romania, dividends from Romanian entity, interest from Romanian banks etc.)

                 Romanian source income                                                         Income tax due*

                                            0%

                                           (no cost are recharged to the Romanian entity and the time spent in Romania is

                 • Remuneration received under under 183 days in any 12 month period)

                 assignment to Romania      16% (flat)

                                           (costs are recharged to the Romania entity and the time spent in Romania

                                           excees 183 days in any 12 month period)

                 • Dividends from Romania   15%

                    • Interest from Romanian banks  3%
                 *According to the provisions of the Double tax treaty concluded between Romania and the Netherlands

                 • If the person does not obtain residence certificate from the Netherlands authorities:

                     The Dutch national becomes Romanian resident (if the time spent in Romania exceeds 183 days in any 12
                       month period or he/she has the center of vital interest in Romania)

                     Romanian income tax is due (16% flat tax rate) as follows:

                 2015                                                                           2016

                 Taxable on Romanian source income*                                             Taxable on worldwide income

                 * If 2015 is the first year in which the Dutch invidual is present in Romania

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