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of the cases a member of government resigned because of declarations based on incorrect data in a
               previous job.


               52.    The  Handbook  for  Ministers  and  State  Secretaries  outlines  the  rights  and  obligations  of
               ministers  and  state  secretaries  in  some  situations  of  conflicts  of  interests,  e.g.  dealing  with  gifts,
               secondary positions, secondary activities, official trips etc. It has been used for many years and PTEFs
               are supposed to be aware of its content. The “Manual, which is a public document, can be consulted
               on the website of the Central Public Administration . This document is complemented by circulars
               and letters addressed by the PM and ministers. The 2002 letter to the House of Representatives on
               the handling of corruption risks and conflicts of interests, is also a public document. Furthermore, at
               the start of a government’s term of office, the Prime Minister informs the House of Representatives
               stating  the  arrangements  that  have  been  made  by  ministers  and  state  secretaries  concerning
               situations  of  incompatible  interests  etc.  that  have  been  dealt  with  in  the  formation  process  (see
               above, paragraph 21).

               53.    The GET notes that the Handbook for Ministers and State Secretaries and circulars are not
               supported  by  a  dedicated  strategy,  structure  or  mechanism  to  more  actively  providing  advice,
               counselling and awareness to PTEFs. It was told that, when necessary, ministers and state secretaries
               can seek advice from the Prime Minister, from colleague ministers/state secretaries, the secretary-
               general or any other trusted person. The GET takes the view that more needs to be done to establish
               a  pro-active  and  harmonised  approach  in  respect  of  PTEFs’  (including  political  assistants,  as
               appropriate) awareness of situations of conflicting interests and corruption prevention. It is of the
               opinion  that  channels  to  communicate,  if  needed  on  a  confidential  basis,  on  dilemmas  of  PTEFs
               should  be  more  clearly  defined,  consolidating  the  institutional  memory  and  practices.  It  would
               therefore  be  useful  to  designate  someone  at  government  level,  as  appropriate,  as  a  confidential
               counsellor for PTEFs. Furthermore, training is reportedly not provided to the PTEFs in this respect.
               Consequently,  GRECO  recommends  (i) establishing  confidential  counselling  to  persons  entrusted
               with top executive functions on integrity related issues, conflicts of interest etc.; and (ii) raising the
               awareness of integrity matters among persons entrusted with top executive functions, including
               through training at regular intervals.

               Transparency and oversight of executive activities of central government

               Access to information

               54.    Article 110 of the Constitution stipulates that the public administration must allow ‘public
               access in accordance with rules to be prescribed by Act of Parliament during the performance of its
               duties.  These  rules  are  set  out  in  the  Government  Information  (Public  Access)  Act  (WOB).  The
               underlying  principle  of  this  law  is  that  information  in  the  possession  of  public  bodies  regarding
               administrative matters is public as a main rule. Exceptions to the main rule can only be justified if
               provided for in law.

               55.    The  GET  notes  that  the  letter  which  the  formateur  (future  PM)  sends  to  the  House  of
               Representatives  following  the  formation  interview,  possibly  containing  arrangements  to  resolve
               (potential) conflicts of interests, is made public.

               56.    The  Handbook  for  Ministers  and  State  Secretaries  details  the  procedure  for  access  to
               information requests. In principle, each government body is responsible for handling such requests,
               sometimes in conjunction with the policy department. Requests that cover several or all ministries

               17  See

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