Roundtable op 9 december a.s. Roemeense Revolutie: 25 jaar later

This event is organised by the Romanian Cultural Institute in Brussels with the support of the University of Amsterdam and of the Embassy of Romania to the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Coen Stork, Former Ambassador of the Netherlands in Romania
Ion Caramitru, Director of the National Theatre of Bucharest, stage and film actor
Patrick McGuinness, Professor of French and Comparative Literature, University of Oxford
Dorin Perie, Professor of Romanian Studies, University of Amsterdam
Robert Adam, Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute Brussels
Jan Willem Bos, Romanian-Dutch Literary Translator, Moderator
1989 remains a milestone of dramatic change, the year when the lives of millions of people in Europe changed and freedom was given the chance to flourish. The event marks 25 years since the Romanian revolution of 1989, the making of a free and democratic Romania, and its far-reaching consequences on contemporary Romanian culture and history. The roundtable engages leading personalities directly and actively involved in the 1989’s dramatic events and brings their testimonies about the actions against the Communist regime and the ongoing support to the Romanian dissidents during that time.

International Roundtable