Friesian SRL

dairy development company
Friesian SRL maakt deel uit van The Friesian, ook handelend onder de naam van The Friesian Agro Consultancy B.V.. Historisch gezien gespecialiseerd op de zuivelsector, maar thans breed georiënteerd op de gehele Roemeense agrisector.


The Friesian
Van Swietenstraat 2
8911 AL Leeuwarden

De heer Jong

About the Friesian

The Friesian, specialist in dairy development

The Friesian is the international specialist in marketing agrarian business knowledge, with the prime focus on the dairy chain. We have been playing an important role in developing the agrarian sector in a wide variety of countries and areas. For example in Eastern Europe, Russia, Asian and African countries. With our strong international presence we are at home in dairy wherever we are!

Independent and ambitious in dairy

As a company we are independent and ambitious in dairy development. We work to improve and optimize the dairy (food) production worldwide via an efficient international network of companies and institutes. With our unique range of services, we assure and improve food safety together with profitability in a sustainable way. This we execute in a fast growing global demand for reliable and healthy food. The world population is growing, together with prosperity in rising economies. This gives rise to a growing demand for knowledge and experience in dairy development.

Positive contribution on sustainability and return on investment

Our activities are based on the future demands of consumers, global changes, product development, new product market combinations, innovations and food safety. Our objectives? To deliver always a positive contribution on sustainability and return on investments. Without a difference in working for small scale cooperations or large scale dairy processors.