Romanian Business Day february 6 2020

In the exceptional ambiance provided by the Louwman Museum Wassenaar, home to the world’s largest private collection of motorcars, the Romanian Business Day will offer you an interesting programme for updating your knowledge on the business opportunities in Romania combined with excellent networking opportunities.

Keynote speaker of the day will be Mrs. Mariana Gheorghe, member of the supervisory board of ING.

This year we will organise again the so-called Round Table sessions where you can share ideas and discuss issues on a specific subject or sector, relevant to your business, with experts in the field.

In the main hall an information market will be set up, where companies can present themselves to the visitors of the Romanian Business Day.

The day will end with a networking drink with musical entertainment  And for those who so wish, there is the opportunity to visit the collection of motorcars of the Louwman Museum.

You can register now for this event, free of charge. It is the perfect opportunity to meet  your future relations.

The main language will be English.

Round Tables
14.30 – 15.00
Welcome and registration
15.00 – 15.05
Opening by Geert van der Guchte, ING bank en chairman DRN

15.05– 15.20
“140 Years diplomacy The Netherlands–Romania” by Ambassador H.E. Mevrouw Brânduşa Predescu.

15.20– 15.40
The role of NRCC en DRN in the bilatoral trade economisch verkeer by Tom Leene, Chairman of the Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce

15.40– 16.10
Why Romania….? by mrs Mariane Gheorghe, Member of the Supervisory Board of ING

16.10 – 16.25

16.25 – 17.25
Round Table discussions

17.25– 17.35
Award Ceremony: Romanian Business Award

17.35 – 20.00

17.35 – 20.00
Networking drinks, bites and music.

1 Opportunities in the Romanian Agri& Food sector
by members of the DRN Taskforce by Mr. Reinder Schaap, agricultural council in Bucharest &  Mr. Pieter Hellferich, Agriprogress & Leon Smeth, Royal Anthos
2 Doing business in Romania
by Mr. Cees Werff, Flighclaim EU & Mr. Maurits  Dohme, Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce
3 Fiscal Upgrade Romania 2020
Edwin Warmerdam, Mazars Romania
4 Economic perspectives for Romania
by Mr. Valentin Tataru, ING Romania

Wijzigingen voorbehouden

Aanmeldingsformulier Romanian Business Day 6 februari 2020


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