Page 7 - Elderly care and housing demand in the EU
P. 7

Chapter 2  | Country rankings

                                   2.1    Ranking 1: Spain, Italy and Germany at the demographic top                           8
                                   2.2    Ranking 2: Austrians and French have highest income potential                        9
                                   2.3    Ranking 3: Wealth potential highest in the Netherlands and Belgium                  10

                                   2.4    Ranking 4: Less use of professional elderly care in Eastern Europe                  11
                                   2.5    Ranking 4 (continued): Highest care and support potential in Belgium and Romania    12
                                   2.6    Ranking 5: One in three EU seniors receptive to senior housing                      13
                                   2.7    Ranking 5 (continued): Housing potential highest among Dutch and Spanish elderly    14

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